Sunday, January 14, 2007


Rule Number 1: Understand that losing weight is definitely easy and therefore donot burn your precious money in gyms or the VLCCs or the Inspirations

Rule Number 2: Drink lots of pure water as not drinking enough water is the key reason for gaining weight (80% of the reason) start with 6 glasses a day (1.2 to 1.8 litres) and slowly increase it to 12 glasses( 2.5 to 3 litres)

Rule Number 3: If you are grossly overweight and donot have the energy and time to exercise, then start walking as little as 800 metres in a single stretch and increase it over a long period of 6 months to as much as you can ( say five kms)

Rule Number 4: Dont try anything drastic, like, extreme sports like badminton or gymming or aerobics as your body is not ready for it: It is like trying to top the GRE or the CAT exams without preparation; Please listento your body

Rule Number 5: Losing weight and staying fit is mandatory, it is a necessity as it will harm you drastically in the short span of two years in ways you would never realise

Rule Number 6: If you have cavities in your teeth, get them filled as it comes in the way of chewing & digesting healthy food and vitamins and minerals into your body

Rule Number 6: Dont join a call centre or a BPO which doesnot look into your specific needs of staying fit ( like giving you enough time to exercise, sleep and provide for with healthy food at a reasonable price at the office) The money you earn would then go into medicine, doctors fees, higher cost for accessability of quality food, high cost of fees at talvalkars, fitness one, which can still turn out to be useless

IT can affect your performance and how you perceive yourself in the long run and make you change your industry in the long run just so that you can maintain your health but not your career

Rule Number 7: Eat idlis with palya withour chutney (read coconut) for breakfast two glasses of water pre-breakfast and one during and one after breakfast.( Every day at the same time is very important; never wait for anyone at office or home and delay eating it)

Packed lunch: Eat a banana/ sapota/ tomato within an hour or two after breakfast:

Lunch can be ragi mudde with daal and curds and let it not be spic: HAndpick the choicest of cucumbers and eat a moderate amount of it along with carrot

Please donot drink the office tea/coffee just because it is free: whatever comes free is at a high cost; maybe the vessels werenot cleaned properly, maybe the sugar is too much and it is actually a sugary drink rather than tea and milk

Sleep WEll for atleast eight and a half hours most days: Dont believe your boss when he says otherwise;; he is paid to lie and he is not a doctor and would never care for you: come on he has a expensive family to maintain

After exercise everyday, end the exercise session with stretching and yoga nidra: yogic postures and movements have to be at a snail's pace. Most yoga practitioners maynot teach you in a way that it leaves the desired on your body: even after recommendations, you may find it useful to change teachers when you donot feel relaxed" once you learn you are on your own:

IF necessary eat one kodbele every alternate day: otherwise stop the mad rush for oily food, sugar filled foods, coconut filled foods, butter and ghee filled foods: Whoever gives it to you without doubt is your enemy and doesnot have a sense of your wellbeing and aviod that person completely. You will be well rewarded with great returns in your results

Discipline in your time at everything from eating on time to sleeping on time leads you to give you some spare time from work to exercise and spend time with friends: Indiscipline in your friends can upset your schedule and exercise schedule

NEver tell people that you are dieting or tell them about your achievements : they will devie plans to trick you and make you unsuccessful by offering unhealthy food... Just dont eat when you go to network at restaurants as you will be forced to share unhealthy food. Eat after the networking session gets over

Learn cooking in case of emergencies so that you do not fall at the mercy of a outside bakery owner like Iyenger's bakery or ALL Saints or whatever other stores to fill you with samosas.

Carry a filled bottle of water with you ....AAAALLLLWWAAAYYSS



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